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Some people say first impressions matter. Well...sometimes, but not in all cases. As for me...I just wasn't having the best of my days...and even before school even started.
Let's start with something simple first. How are you feeling today, Michelle? Somehow this reminds me of my good friend Charles from band. Whenever I asked him this very question everyday last year, his response would be: "horrible D;"
Well, for me...I have to say honestly...and I don't mean kind of in a jokingly way...I feel...depressed, angry, upset...just plain in the almost emo stage. Though, it doesn't seem like it, my moods tend to go up and down. But lately for the last few days, that's how it's been: crying, feeling depressed, getting angry, and all that jazz. And even a few suicidal thoughts.
Today after 0 period, it was hard to find some of the friends that I really wanted to see. Emily was gone and no one was at this one spot where we usually meet. Probably because most of them were in 0 period choir, but I found Ben...obviously, he hangs around the bandos, like always from last year. I found Klink from the art peeps...Nathan from just...wondering around. So that made me feel kinda disappointed for the morning...(lately...I've been a bit sensitive to my emotions due to the depression). OH and I SAW KRISTINE while being late to 0 period :3 But I never saw her again after T.T
In AP Euro 1st period, I thought Mr. Fitzpatrick would be a fun teacher to be with. I realized most of my class composed of well...the extremely smart people (asians). It made me feel weird. I haven't been with them since 8th grade and I wanted to seperate from that. All the other bandos in AP Euro were in a diff period :[ Well, at least I knew Lily and TiffChau. They were in orchestra. Westlina from PitEnsemble. And other azn people I obviously knew from GATE class. And others...so it made me feel weird how I'll do in this class compared to the rest.
In Geometry, as usual, I let out a yawn at least once...it's math...I get bored even when I'm focusing on them...there's just no way to make math fun ._. But then he opened a Youtube video on Geometry rap...scary...
P.E. Brodi grew taller than me. Go figure (The kid who used to be the shortest kid in class...) Nick's in my class again. At least Klink, Chris, and Krystal are in my class. I mean I don't mind Brodi and Nick, but they can be a handful at times.
5th period Olsberg. CONNOR AND ANDREW! THE ONLY bandos from 4th period band in ANY of my classes. I really wish David or something was in my classes tho =[ Or Emily or Kaleigh or ANYONE closer than those two. I mean those two are my bando friends too, but yeah..you know what I mean...
6th period Spanish. seems like the usual. blah blah blah
I just really wished more of my choir/band friends were in my classes though...I have friends in my classes, I just really want at least one or two of my closer friends =[ O wellz...
But after school...I was telling my dad about the APEuro/Eng thing where everyones in the same class...and he went off about academics, majors, colleges, AP college credits...I just stayed quiet and got mad how he completely ignored everything I said except for the AP part....I was gonna break out in tears, but being...angry for no reason...I was holding it in and it stayed in...
My bro ticking me off...that's usual, but him being such a jerk STUPID IDIOTIC jerk lately...I just get so mad at him for everything he does and tell him to go away. Even my mom's having a thing aagainst him. I think it's those rated MATURE games...that's why they're MATURE! >[
Iunno...I just get so emotional and, yet, I give other people advice and "inspirational" speeches to help them...yet I keep bagging on myself ._.
I haven't been posting on these other problems lately, because I didn't want a lot of people to know about it because well I dunno...just a moment where I felt, I was kind of annoying talking about all my problems "all the time."
Well, my head hurts from too much Spanish translatoins for questions for 1st day hw so...I'm hitting the haystack. Cyas
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Forgive me for this not so great blog compared to my others ._.