**Purposely made to be public
Dear Charliee "Cutie" Bi [Maikika],
(That's all I know of your full name so far, unless that's it lol).
You seem to come out of nowhere or maybe out of my dreams the moment after I began to wish there was someone out there for me. And your piece seemed to fix my jigsaw puzzle perfectly because I don't feel that hole I've had in me for awhile waiting and trying to find "the one" out there.
It's amazing, as I have never believed in love at first sight, we got off pretty fast when Tanh (Brian) introduced us together. Seeing what you looked like, every time I talked to Tanh after talking to you for the "first time" (technically, the first time was a few months ago, before Tanh got a phone and you were giving me a short message from him) like a friend with Tanh and Alice, I kept going on about how you were so cute and had an interesting personality. It somehow matched mine. It was crazy.
And, despite the fact, I became pessimistic for going anything past crushes, Tanh kept encouraging me on that you liked me. Me: "I bet you're just misunderstanding him. I doubt he does." And it seemed that you talked to him about the same exact thing. [You: Oh my gosh, what if she rejects me?!?!?!"] Tanh is like the all-mighty omniscient God. Haha :D He knows everything...but can't help and make things weirder or more dramatic (like that time he encouraged me thinking you were mad at me that one time. lol).
The scary thing that drew me closer to like you besides Tanh's encouragement was the fact we seemed to have so many things in common. Your personality was the number one thing on the list that drew my attention the most...I felt like I could talk to you forever, but I guess if that happens, there would be nothing else to talk about anymore, huh? :D But the thing is, I've never felt so myself before. I've acted in such a way around you that I've never really showed to any other person because I'm somewhat embarrassed to show it.
In one of my previous Facebook notes, I wrote "In my dreams, there is a guy...one I wish would exist in my life..." and you seem to answer to these wishes five days following this post.
* You went up to me yourself orally instead of online that you like me and asked me out and be your girlfriend.
* You want to be that "perfect" boyfriend to me as much I want to be one for you.
* You're someone who I can and would sing random songs or car karaoke with without worrying about embarrassing myself (though, I do sometimes, but not embarrassed enough that I wouldn't do it at all.)
* We both want to learn to ball-room dance with each other.
* You're easy to talk to and if something bugged one of us or such, we'd help each other out.
* You seem to notice easily when somethings wrong through my voice and tone (and you're really at it too... O_O)
Well...you basically get it :]
You are my Tarzan and I am your Jane or so-called "Oh, I see." Haha.
You are my Shang and I am your Mulan to help you save the Emperor Tanh LOL
You are my Flick and I am your Atta saving you with my wings :]
You are my Peter Pan and I am your Wendy to kiss you on the lips.
You are my Aladdin and I am your Jasmine to sing "A Whole New World" with you on a magic carpet.
You are my Marvin the clownfish and I am your Dory being clueless as ever.
You are my Demitri and I am your Anya or Anastasia to dance with you like At the Beginning. (I need to get myself that movie on VCR).
You are my Charliee and I am your Michi and together we'll be dominating the world in happiness no matter the obstacles.
I found it hilarious how that one time we watched I believe it was Bug's Life (I could be wrong) on VCR (We love watching VCR movies =] ), on Tet, and I was waiting Alex's room with my cousins while you were loading your VCR player.
My cousins kept asking, "Aren't you gonna watch the movie?" -impatient-
Me: "I'm waiting."
Cousins: "For what??!?!"
You: "Okay, I'm ready."
Me: "Okay, click play in 3..2..1....omgosh your ahead of me by a second...."
Cousin: "OHHHH. I thought he was coming over here to watch with you."
ahahhah That was funny. Too bad Alex was the loudest one in the room while we were watching, next to the cousins later on playing Taboo with Alex in the room instead of my room... Cough. Tony and Johnny and Alex.
Watching movies in-sync is so much while on the phone with you haha.
I feel kind of bad that you told a lot of your friends about me already and I am your girlfriend and how some of em have already befriended me decently enough that the next time I talk with them, I don't feel all awkward. I should introduce my friends more to you, if they are more willing to like your friends. By the way, your friend Kent still didn't talk to me much yet, Haha.
I really have to (you too mister) have to appreciate Tanh a lot for encouraging the whole liking each other thing. Even though, I really wanted and supported Tanh's encouragement (in my mind), I thought myself... I'll stick with crushes until a guy seemingly decent asked me or something. I never thought you'd actually ask me out. That was the amazing part that absolutely brought all my hopes back up again. :]
Now, lately being so happy, I've been really modest and going like "I'm soo sorry!" lately, whether it's to you or my peers. It's not exactly a bad thing, but I guess it's because I don't want to do anything stupid and mess things up.
Hope you like your scrapbook/collage page I made you and the Rottweiler puppy stuffed animal (his name is Tommy :D). I have another Rottweiler puppy too, but a little bigger sized (his name is Ethan :D). Remember to give Tanh his presents I gave him too that came with you presents.
I love you very much.
Em yeu anh nhieu qua.
Te amo mucho.
Wo ai ni.
Hope you a lovely Valentines, cutie! I'll talk to you later.
Love, Michelle "Michi" Quynh Dao Que Doan
P.S. I hope you enjoyed those voice mail presents I left for you. I feel kinda embarrassed about them, but I'll get over it later.