Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Not...The End...of the World...

Must...vent out frustration...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T.T I GOT MY FIRST C ON A REPORT CARD....Wait...HOLY CRAP NOOO I GOT A C. WHY!?!?!?!?....well i know why >_<>well at least i got productive attitude comments and a o in citizenship in eng despite my B

i dont care about any of the other grades....i knew they were gonna be ther same...but.....C!!!?! i forgot to turn my packet last day of schoool....why was my bio final last day of school T_T AND MY GRADE LOWERS FROM A SAFE 83% to....A C T_T wahhhhh and i worked so hard to raise it too and try to.........why me......i was gonna be worrired about that grade after school was over and i could nvr turn in th epacket after and now i feel terrible T_T absolutely terrible

now all i want to do is worry about that C and when my dad opens the report card T.T......he's gonna lecture me again about grades and college which is gonna get annoying and .....MY FIRST C T_T and question me y i didnt get a b like i said....IF I TURNED IN MY PACKET STUPID ME FOR NOT REMMEBERED TO BRING MY PACKET ON THE BIO FINAL RAWR gonna bag on myself for awhile....

4 a's, 2 b's, 1 c.... T_T one....c..........