Saturday, January 17, 2009

In My Dreams...

In my dreams, there is a I wish would exist in my who will...
  • have the guts to come up to me face-to-face and ask me out...
  • commit to the relationship as much as I would at least...
  • sing car karaoke with me without any care in the world...
  • dance with me at prom or a ball...or my wedding
  • be gentle, friendly, and honest with me so that I will not be afraid to talk to...
  • not be clueless and notice when somethings wrong...
  • reassure me that he cares and loves me...and hopefully, at least once, that he will go above and beyond what is expected to achieve that goal...
  • take interest in what my life is like as I will take interest into his...
  • watch the stars with me at night while laying on the wide empty field of grass...
  • have a good relationship with my parents and will have parents whom I will have a good relationship with too...
  • appreciate having a dog...
  • always be open for a hug, even at random times (I hug almost everyone)...
  • make the first move...
  • have more guts to talk to me about personal things face to face rather than on the phone, or especially on IM chat/texting...
  • not be overly-sensitive if I tease him, unless reasonable...
  • be my best friend and my boyfriend (and maybe even more later on in life) at the same time...
  • try to make me happy
  • be the one who I will be proud and happy to call mine...
He would be almost good to be true and obviously, not everyone is perfect...But I can dream...and I wish somewhere in my lifetime, I would meet such a guy. I wish.

1 comment:

.... said...

You deserve someone like this, or otherwise it's really not a relationship worth having. :)