Monday, February 2, 2009

Feeding the Birds their Worms

So Victoria and the recruitment team were talking about what teachers they particularly want to have to recruit students in their class...

Zack (in response to Victoria's recruitment schedule email)
Can I trade somebody for Winkle? I asked Victoria to reserve her class for me, but I think she thought I said "Wilton".
Anybody want to trade?
Zack (with Michelle)
sorry zack, i liked (ok maybe not quite like, but didnt hate) winkle lol and i havent seen or talked to her since she left my class last year when she got sick so i kinda want to go do her class and see her.

oh and did u email all the teachers were visiting to make sure its ok and they dont have a test or anything victoria?
Yup. I sent an e-mail out to all the English teachers that you guys are coming on Monday, February 2nd at the beginning of the period and that it'll be short/ sweet. All questions should be sent to
And by the way, if you're hitting "Reply All" Dr. Poff is getting these e-mails from us, too, haha.
Surely you could donate one of your Winkle visits, seeing as how you already have three...
Right now you have eight visits for first period and we have five. Make it 7 & 6, maybe?
lol why does rachel get all penhall? wouldn't it be fair if we evened out the classes, so we wouldn't have all this conflict fighting over classes?
You guys are too funny.
because rachel used the rule of taptap. rachel "taptapped" all the penhall and winkle classes, therefore securing her visits to penhall and winkle. and michelle, you have penhall. zack, you have winkle. you already see them. why the need to see them again? next year (when you guys are still here and i am gone) remember the rule of taptap. lol.

you guys know that all these emails go out to EVERYONE?!?!?!??!?!?! or atleast to everyone on the email list...
even dr. poff sees this!!!!!!
LIKE OMG... LOL...THIS IS crazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy :]

winkle, penhall, tap tappppppp WHO CARES?!?!? jk... does that even EXIST?! :P

haha... i say zack and rachel should just transfer this conversation into a blog, where we can all comment and read from there.
i know lol im sure everyone is getting entertainment out of this, even poff

and the rule of taptap is a legitimate rule everyone should know :)

and i love how you put some form of a happy face after every paragraph claudia lol :D

Only because you're a senior.
But next year I'll be laughing maniacally when I've monopolized all the best teachers.
lol ill make sure to partner with zack LOL
Dr. Poff
You guys are too funny. Keep it up! i want to see you all crawling over each other to get through the door...
claudia, neslihaun, and victoria. you stole laframboise from zack and i!! ahhhhhhhhhh >O -revolts- lol

omgosh ragan's class scared zack and i so much D;

-opens door- WILL YOU JUST SHUDDUP?!?!

zack and me: O.O

ranting from teacher to student

BEEP BEPPP BEPPP we'll just uh O_O come bak later -walks away really fast-

zack: I REALLY wanted to stay and listen! i really did!

me: @_@..........

To be continued...or not?


.... said...


The rule of taptap.

And we went to Ragan's class, too. :P

But they were peaceful.

CLaudia said...

LOL. WOW... wow... i can't believe you actually took my suggestion... i was KIDDING... but okkkkkkk...
HA HA :]

Zack said...

You forgot the part when he said, "You might as well come over to my desk and say F YOU to me!"

Yeah, that class was kinda scary.
Was that the class where I cut the presentation short? I just wanted to get OUTA THERE.

Theriault's 3rd period freshman honor's class was awesome, though. They were fun to present to and seemed like they were ACTUALLY interested.

.... said...

Yeah--that's the hard part about everything--to get people to CARE.

Then comes the ACTION.

Which is just as difficult.