"Wow...I haven't made an actual blog post in a long time..."
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I knew report cards had come out by seeing the first message of someone enjoying their grades on FaceBook. I was hoping I would get A's and B's as well on my report card and wanted to be the first one to see it for myself before my parents would. But upon going out the front door to check the mailbox, it was empty. The mailman did not arrive yet. I didn't want to freak out about it too much, so I put it at the back of my mind and forgot about it for the rest of the day.
Later that night, I heard my dad call on me. And simple "Yes?" asking what they wanted or needed was not satisfactory to my parent, so I went to the kitchen. My dad showed me my report card.
00 Web Design/Publ ... A
01 AP Eur His ... B
02 Geometry ... D
03 PE ... A
04 Eng Hon 2 ... B
05 Chemistry ... C
06 Spanish 2 ... B
Usually I would have gotten scared and nervous by now, but I was feeling calmly depressed as is. And my dad saved the time to talk to me about it later...That's good. But he said I had to drop all extra cirriculars and clubs. Huh.
I'm not going to rant about the D. I somewhat deserved it. (Though I really don't understand how I got a C in Chemistry when I feel like I've done better than last semester [B].) One section I decided to slack off and procastinate and do homework later and the test scores kill me. I tried raising it by the end of the semester, but I guess it didn't help... Gee... I really screwed up now.
Most of the rest of the night, I felt absolutely depressed and when 3-way talking to my boyfriend Charlie and my friend Hannah on the phone, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to act happy around them or not.
I was always scared of telling my dad whenever I got a bad grade on anything, ever since I was a little kid. I guess that's where lying started and continued, thinking I could handle it. Obviously, in this situation, it made it worse. And it was my own fault to not do the homework.
Hannah helped me straighten my thinking a bit though. She said I should talk to my dad seriously and look at him straight in the eyes, showing them I am a mature person and not their little kid anymore. I mean...I wasn't even looking at my dad when he showed me my report card...mainly because one of the things I fear most is my dad getting upset and/or angry with me.
The next day, I was thinking to myself how to talk to him and what to say. I mean, I seriously don't want to drop Baron Banner for sure and Baron Broadcast News (BBN). I'm basically the head designer and almost an editor-in-chief (I'm not even sure), plus I need that film experience for when I major in Film Production/Cinematography in college (preferably Boston University...I'm starting to wonder if they'll still accept me in senior year because of my specific grades ><).
What's my BIGGEST distraction? Well, I suppose I've already realized this answer...the computer. There's everything to do on the computer, especially if everyone of them are installed with an internet browser. And you can do and get distracted by anything at all. So I planned to ask my dad to restrain and limit my computer and internet usage and let me join at least Baron Banner and BBN (obviously theatre is too much, since it's after school hours. So I don't really mind; it was just something extra I might try). And those two clubs, Operation Smile (OpS) and American Cancer Society (ACS). The only one I really active in is OpS, since I'm vice president now. Phone? Not really, I can manage to do all my homework while still talking to Charlie, plus I can ask my friends and Charlie for help on homework.
So I went outside and had that serious talk, thanks to the help of Hannah to boost my confidence. I'm not going to give details, but I'm satisfied with the results. My dad talked to me about my revised class schedule, college stuff, goals and discipline on me and my brother. Apparently, he's taking it easy on me since I'm a girl (kinda sexist, but okay; "Alex has to be the man of the house" is what I remember my dad saying) and I'm going into a film major, not a major like medical science or such. But he's definately keeping a closer eye on me on my academics (random, but I think it's kinda funny he pronounced "academics" as "economy," but I don't say anything everytime he says it during his lecture).
I shouldn't forget like it never happened, because it's affecting my GPA for sure going down to a 3.26 this semester. My dad wants me not to challenge myself too much like my cousin Tony who took all honors and AP's, but take at least the minimal basics, like my cousin Bianca, who has straight A's with regular classes. So I'm going to drop Spanish 3 next year, because he wants me to get an A for sure, not a B, to raise my GPA. So I need to find an elective now that I'll probably enjoy that'll get me an A.
I can't believe I've slowly stooped down this low for my grades, but I shouldn't be too depressed about it. But I'm staying strong.
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