Sunday, July 6, 2008

Learn Something New Everyday. First Step: Try

When you learn something new, you obviously have to try it to actually learn more about it and get used to it…trying asin observing, exploring, experimenting…it’s kind of like a science project. In the end, you have a conclusion and a better idea of your new learning.

Well, I haven’t really gotten myself to try WordPress lately. I’ve only posted one post and I have no excuse anymore to say that I can’t think of anything to type about. I’ve just been distracted and dazing off in this summer neutrality (English is such a strange language, I’m not even sure if “neutrality” is a real word. Could be. I’ll make it a real word!…in my world). So, what’s my point I’m tryiing to give here? I’m quite clueless again with this new blog host. It took me a couple minutes to figure out I was logged on. It even makes me curious: “Can we even change our passwords to something we can remember, rather copy and pasting the randomized letters and numbers off my email?” How do I post a blog again? And more clueless adventure to come. But at the moment, I’m still at the beginning of my billion-feet long sub-sandwich.

I’ve been trying to tell myself that I’ll do this and I’ll do that. But will I actually do it? I just have to try…

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