The best thing about taking a having all that time to yourself...and to use that time to think to yourself, or perhaps sing or day dream...etc.
All day, I've been kind of a bit moping around...and I supposed I started getting aggravated that my friends accidentally "ditched" me during lunch that I couldn't help but cry a bit to myself in 5th...tried not to...We were reading then the teacher came in and I was like, "Oh, crap...Michelle, you stupid-head. Stop crying!" He calls on me, I assume about to ask if I was ready to continue presenting my project. I just eneded up saying, "Wait, and asking to go to the restroom." and on...
I don't reallywant to explain in detail what I was really dreading about...probably something stupid, but even so...In the shower...I just thought to myself's not a big deal...I can't get myself to do it anyways...and I suppose (hint?) I like him too much, to do so despite the status (hint hint? rofl............ ._.) w/e...not that I really care that you would know :D...I just need a place to vent out my feelings...heh........But I'm glad my view have come back to positive...I just hate my mood swings sometimes...
But I appreciate taking a shower in my weirdo times...they help me think things out.
That's good. Thinking shower, I mean.
That's good.
So you're not feeling too well, huh?
that's not good...
I know how you feel. At least I think I do.
I think so.
This is a great place to vent feelings (I myself had some of that a week ago). It's good to talk. For me, ranting (not that you're ranting) makes me feel a lot better.
You mentioned talking to someone about it.
that's good.
It may sound weird, but some of us want to hear about it. I know for sure that Victoria is a great person to talk to. She's nice. She helps.
Also, I myself haven't been feeling very well either (depression, if you will?). For some reason it's gotten better, but only through some sort of enveloped numbness.
It's not fun to feel like that. If I can help in any way, I'd like to, especially if that means just listening.
you know, sometimes I realize just how cheesy I sound. I do mean it though...
i'd like to help...
nah, i think you give a lot of good advice and responses, despite the "cheesy-ness." i appreciate it a lot.
The shower is one of my favorite places to think. That's one of the only places I can really be alone. I can sing, think, talk to myself haha(:
i think i might know how you feel. just let it out girl
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