Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busy Summer Bee

Summer's been a bit of a time-wasting bore. I can't believe that it's almost close to July already.

But this summer's about to give me a chunk of busy stuff to do soon...then most likely return to complete boredom.

Today, I have my Hapkido Martial Arts test today to test for my blue belt. I can't wait at the same time, I can wait for the boredom I'll have there sitting for an hour or two as everyone else tests before me. White, yellow, orange, purple. GREEN. YAY! blue...brown...oooo....RED going black. WOW! And it's over. Haha. The test reminds me of how my summer will be--neutral... then a CLIMAX...then neutral...then...I nice climax end as well :] (I wonder what will be the climax to my summer after my summer busy chunk.

On Friday, I'm going to see Wall-E with a couple of my friends, I can't wait, though, I hope the lines aren't too big and the tickets aren't sold out. A couple of my friends going will also pay me some money for some Life's MapleSyrup shirts I've designed and will make for the cast members and some friends/fans who were willing to buy some. (Design:

I got my parents to have another party for the family on the 4th of July and that night, my cousin William is going to sleep over and come with me and three other friends to AnimeExpo at the LA Convention Center. I can't wait for that.

Then later, I have to go to the LA Convention Center again for a Baron Banner thing with Victoria, Sabrina, Claudia, Titus, and I think Photo Club, but I'm not sure. (I'd give details, but until I read that email again, I'll explain later after I go.)

Then I have my birthday party! I'm going to celebrate it with my friends at the park near my house three days before my birthday because I'll be on vacation to Lake Tahoe for a week from July 14-20.

After that? Nothing planned so far after that...So yeah, a bit busy for a bit later...starting today :] Wish me luck at the belt test!


Posted on Baron Banner Blogs
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Michelle has been caught in the scene of the crime and pronounced guilty!

You guys probably have something like this if you read one of my recent blog posts on the other Baron Banner Blogs on Blogger.

For awhile, I have been delaying and stalling time to post in these blogs and it makes me think, “I can’t really write anything as good as everyone else in those blogs.” But then again, writing can have rules and you can bend them in anyway you want to interpret your message.
I couldn’t think of a single great thing to write about, but there are a million ways and great things to write about in any event, and a blog post is just waiting there to be written on. For a public blog, I suppose I can write all I want and be honest and confident about it, just as much as my regular blogs, but more “structured,” I suppose.

The way I see it, most of our blog posts from the blogger were mostly personal and like a diary or journal, a personal one in which anyone can write freely, whether caring for grammar or mistakes or not. I see now as, also, a blueprint or a brainstorm map…And usually as most people start off in certain writing (let’s take essays, for example), a rough draft.

“Structured.” I don’t completely understand how to exactly structure my writing in the blogs and I’m still trying to figure out how to put some…well strenghth into my article writings like my blogs, without turning it into something like an editorial or something with cheerleading into it. I’m kind of drifting away from the point so… (I guess that part was un-structured to the post).

Most of the best writings I have ever written was sometime I could relate to or something that I extremely thought into in my mind with brainstorm. So if we just chose to write an article, just because we had a passion for it, it would turn out to be a better article (with the basic needs of an article, of course). But if we were picked or chose to write an article that was news we didn’t exactly particularly liked, but chose because we needed an article to write, there is a bit of slack and less strength in that writing. If there was something interesting that could catch our attention in each article, a bit of something that makes us know that the article or the post was something we could relate to or want to read…something like a hook of a story and another hook within the story… Something that authors and writers perfect in, that makes us urge to read more. I feel like that is because a part of the author’s passion into writing and trying to interest in in anyway with steps. (Structured?)

I’m not sure where I was going with this blog, but -ding- I guess I found something to write about; though, I have to try to be more confident with my writing with this post. I also suppose, I was trying to understand myself, about the word “structured.” So far, in most of these posts, I felt a bit of passion and a bit of interest into the blogs from the authors. I hope mine have done the same. Sorry, if I don’t make a bit sense at all.

It's Not...The End...of the World...

Must...vent out frustration...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T.T I GOT MY FIRST C ON A REPORT CARD....Wait...HOLY CRAP NOOO I GOT A C. WHY!?!?!?!?....well i know why >_<>well at least i got productive attitude comments and a o in citizenship in eng despite my B

i dont care about any of the other grades....i knew they were gonna be ther same...but.....C!!!?! i forgot to turn my packet last day of schoool....why was my bio final last day of school T_T AND MY GRADE LOWERS FROM A SAFE 83% to....A C T_T wahhhhh and i worked so hard to raise it too and try to.........why me......i was gonna be worrired about that grade after school was over and i could nvr turn in th epacket after and now i feel terrible T_T absolutely terrible

now all i want to do is worry about that C and when my dad opens the report card T.T......he's gonna lecture me again about grades and college which is gonna get annoying and .....MY FIRST C T_T and question me y i didnt get a b like i said....IF I TURNED IN MY PACKET STUPID ME FOR NOT REMMEBERED TO BRING MY PACKET ON THE BIO FINAL RAWR gonna bag on myself for awhile....

4 a's, 2 b's, 1 c.... T_T one....c..........

Friday, June 20, 2008


Michelle Doan is declared guilty! You are sentenced to a lifetime in jail!

Nah, I'm just playing around. I just feel somewhat bad. Why? Well...I haven't really gotten myself to post on the new Baron Banner blogs lately. I kind of feel like my blog is just gonna be another un"structured" post like here...or maybe personal. I don't know. I've questioned myself and other things sometimes, but reading some of the posts on the blog, it just seems so intensely thought into and it makes me feel bad that I can't really write as...well...I don't know how to say it--deeply? as the other guys. I've read some of the poetry and writing from the old and new blogs and it makes me unsure. I'll get myself to write something eventually ._. I'll just write in these blogs until I can think of something good? to write about.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I'm really going to miss some of the seniors I've befriended this year in marching band and the Baron Banner. I still didn't get John's signature lol :D and I never got to sign Nuran's, but oh wells. There are memories to remember for at least. If anyone doesn't mind, I'm going to post the Baron Banner slideshow with ratings disabled on my Youtube.

I've made many great friends this year and I'm very grateful for all of them and my supporters. Some people whom I really want to think for helping me through all my tough times with their advice here and there were Titus, Victoria, Zack, and my other friends Kevin (Klink) and David (C). You (They) really helped me out a lot through my crazy times expressing all my feelings I could have kept in a regular journal. Though, I even know myself, I would have never continued my journal anyways because in my last one in 8th grade. I kept questioning myself and keeping it all in without anyone reading it and helping me anyone would expect, I went nuts and was in the stage of becoming emo...But this year, despite through all my bad times, I feel better than ever with my great friends, family (though, I'm still trying to deal with my dad and etc.), supporters, and more.

This would be better than any rant blog, but I supposed this is my blog of thanks :D

Thank you.

The Ultimate Rant?

Hi, I'm Michelle Doan and I guess this is supposed to be "The Ultimate Rant."

I can't believe it's summer already and, at the same time, it feels like I should be going to school...especially this year, which has been caught up in so many things in high school...but I believe it's been one of my best years of my life so far.

I haven't really made a lot of blog posts lately, especially during other stress-a-thons, and I haven't really made any rants either since I'd hate to complain so much (me and my caring for others comes first instinct @.@); so I'll use up this blog as my Ultimate Rant Blogpost :D

Also, the Baron Banner has a new blog host in Word Press and I should post something decent and structured...but I'm not really sure how. How some people are paid to write posts just like mine, but structured...I'm not sure I could really do that. I've never been good at required writing, but I don't know. I'll find something to write about somehow.

I'm at my cousin Bianca and Emerald's house right now and, may I say, my gosh... One thing is that Bianca calling herself fat and trying to be anerexic or something when she's already...what, 107 pounds? (Note: She's one year older than me, becoming a junior). Another is whenever Emerald and Bianca have selfish weird irrational arguements. (Emerald is becoming a 6th grader). But whatever...(wow, I suck at ranting :D)

Actually you know what...I can't think of any rants anymore =] hehe...

"The Ultimate Rant?" ...not...

Hi, I'm Michelle Doan and I suck at ranting.